《Ants From Up There (Deluxe Edition)》

本专包含2Part,除了CD1收录《Ants From Up There》的10首单曲外,还有CD2收录的 Queen Elizabeth Hall 伊丽莎白女王音乐厅的live演出。
CD 1的10首录音质量很好,值得收藏。
《Ants From Up There》集 Classical
Mimimalism(古典极简主义), Indie Folk(独立民谣)Pop(流行)Alt-Rok(另类摇滚)于一体,具有很高的艺术性。相关的讨论/交流,可以看以下帖子:
CD1为 96kHz 24 Bit FLAC, CD2为48kHz 16 Bit FLAC
风格:Post-Rock, Art Rock, Chamber Pop
时长: 2:03:49
1. Intro (00:54)
2. Chaos Space Marine (03:36)
3. Concorde (06:03)
4. Bread Song (06:21)
5. Good Will Hunting (04:57)
6. Haldern (05:05)
7. Mark’s Theme (02:47)
8. The Place Where He Inserted the Blade (07:13)
9. Snow Globes (09:13)
10. Basketball Shoes (12:37)
CD 2
1. Mark's Theme (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (02:43)
2. Instrumental (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (05:26)
3. Athens France (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (06:50)
4. Science Fair (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (06:34)
5. Sunglasses (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (08:59)
6. Track X (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (05:09)
7. Opus (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (08:57)
8. Bread Song (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (06:56)
9. Basketball Shoes (Live from the Queen Elizabeth Hall) (13:24)